Thursday, May 29, 2008

Getting Rich in America, by Brian Tracy

Based on the audiobook "Getting Rich in America" by Brian Tracy.

Here are my favorite high-level points from the book:
  • Whenever you see an opportunity to sell people something greater than the price than you can do it for, you are capturing value. The value is what makes you wealthy.
  • Knowledge is what makes your value more useful and profitable.
  • Always strive to succeed to do your best.
  • Networking is crucial to success.
Another interesting topic -

At the time the book was written, the majority of self-made millionaires were in the following industries:
  1. Commercial Machine and Equipment Wholesaling
  2. Commercial Printing
  3. Designing Computer Programs
  4. Data Processing Services
  5. Dry Cleaning Establishments
Very seldom do people ever look into these industries. Everyone wants the "exciting" technology businesses or the next big thing. Maybe try something in the tried and true businesses above and you will have better success.

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